Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Oregon vacation

August 20, 2019

I finally showed my son my favorite place in the U.S., Crater Lake.

I first discovered it when traveling cross country and had no idea what I had in store. It was early summer, and the snow capped peaks reflected off the still water. It is one of my favorite memories.

I have returned many times: to camp, to swim (the cove for boat tours and Wizard Island are the only accessibility points), and to tour the island inside the giant caldera.

We did the boat tour. Photos to follow are from Wizard Island inside the caldera.

On the boat tour:

We even got a visit from a hummingbird..

Summer 2019

July 25, 2019

Yesterday is was 96 degrees. Thankfully that weather hasn’t been a constant this summer; instead it has been warm and inviting for adventure. And most importantly, no huge fires so far this year.

I wasn’t blogging last year when the fires raged, and the bay area was clouded in smoke for weeks while the Camp Fire burned. It was one of over 8,000 fires that occurred in California in 2018 according to Wikipedia. We stayed indoors. We wore masks when were forced outside, while the air index showed red, a dangerous prospect for my young son.

This year we are prepared; go-bags lined by the door, reusable masks for everyone (we recommend Vogmasks,, food and water supplies, and a full gas tank. And we are taking advantage of the summer while the air is clear, and the out doors is a safe place to be.


June 21, 2019

Life got away from me and I almost forgot I had a blog.

Here is an update in a series of photos for the last hmmm… 3 years!?

I turned 35 and had a big family trip with camping, lots of food, chill time, and some forest exploration.

Turns out I am mom who spends months and months sewing Halloween costumes. Last year Kipling was a monster with “soo many eyes.”

We moved to a new town, but are still in the Bay Area, for now…

I am working more and more and got a new job title, but, still get lots of adventure days, and try and do something new every week!

Mom life

June 6, 2015

thanks to an abundance of moms in my home town (“where the hipsters go to breed”) I have been meeting lots of moms and am getting out for walks, hikes, and adult conversation daily.

Am visiting One Acre Farm soon, where I did WWOOFing, and am excited to see how everyone is doing. I haven’t been on a farm in many months, and am looking forward to smelling the garlic which we will be harvesting.

My favorite movie ever, Heathers, is a musical, and I got tickets and will be having a night out.

I am looking forward to this summer…image

My boys

May 4, 2015



April 1, 2015


I feel like I won the lottery. Best decision ever. 

Does this mean the drought will be over?

December 11, 2014

Today I awoke to a flash flood warning in the area I live. Outside (as this picture shows) the water rose above sidewalk level- damaging car interiors, giving children a place to play and swirl floating umbrellas, and keeping me trapped inside watching Netflix and reading books from the library.

David rode away (after the water level had risen even more dramatically) on his bicycle, for work. I should have gotten a video of how strange that was to see!

Fingers crossed the power doesn’t go out here. It has in various other parts of the bay area.

Feeling thankful for my warm bed, and an excuse to catch up on sleep. Seems I will need it, as I will be gaining an average of 1lb a week for awhile, and half of that going to the growth of my little guy.

Stay safe out there Bay Area!!

A year of change

November 24, 2014

So much has changed in a year.
Last time I updated I had taken a hiatus from my day to day in the bay, traveling throughout the states and abroad, for fun and to learn about farming.

In October I had an incredible adventure in Okinawa Japan visiting my friend Sarah and her family, eating the best food ever (Okinawan Udon) and visiting touristy spots.



November I came back to the bay for the holidays where I took on the roll of a ninja (thanks to my onsie from



And in December went to Bend, OR for a white winter which including snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and skateskiing; and mountain biking and a fat tire excersion.




The New Year brought me back to the bay, where I enjoyed playing in the bay with friends, before relocating (for a heartbeat to Boulder Colorado and Fayetteville, AR).


(santa cruz, CA)


(Adventured in snow in Boulder, CO)




(WWOOFing, crystal collecting, and storms in Fayetteville, AR)

Happily returned to the bay area after a few months away (unexpected but so happy to have done so), back to friends, bikes, and my life with this guy.


And now, we await the birth of our first child together, whose life no doubt will be full of adventure just like his parents.

Oregon roadtrip part 1

August 20, 2013

I left for Oregon on a Sunday morning eager to arrive at Crater Lake.  When I arrived I noticed that the smoke had blown in from the multitude of fires burning in the state.  Regardless, I set up camp and quickly hopped on my bike to ride to the rim for a view.  Although it was a smoky uphill climb, after so many hours in the car I appreciated every moment of it.  Sadly when I got to the top the view of the lake was obstructed from all the smoke.

The next day I went back early and was able to see the view from the top of the caldera.  Also, made my way to the boat dock for some swimming in the lakes cold clear water, and was able to go to Wizard Island for a nice hike to the top.


A happy me swimming in the cool 50 degree water.  A 6 year wait!Image

A great photo of a crawdad in Crater lake.


View from the top of Wizard Island

After a few days enjoying Crater Lake I made my way to Eugene to hang out with friends.  Got stuck on a highway when it closed abruptly and was happy to find a camping spot which lived up to its name ‘Sunset Cove’.  Spend a few days in Eugene catching up with old friends, exploring Eugene’s downtown, food spots, and museums, and visiting the nearby hot spring for some natural relaxation.


Next I headed to the farm (Nagdeo Farm in Gresham) where I have been the past 12 days.  That update in part 2.  After the farm I will head to the Oregon Coast before visiting Bend- Update 3 & 4.