Archive for March, 2010

Don’t sell me short

March 26, 2010

The first time I heard Bad Religion I was in junior high. My brother thought I might enjoy them, and played me their ’94 release-Stranger Than Fiction.  I was immediately hooked.  For the last sixteen years Bad Religion has continued to surpass all other bands for me, with lyrics that make me think more now than ever.

Although maybe not the most accurate reflection of Bad Religions sound, their 80-85 release still surpasses them all for me, and epitomizes punk rock.

But, on a completely different note, listening to acoustic versions of Bad Religion is pretty thought provoking all on its own!

Birds and Blossoms

March 18, 2010

The weather here has been breathtaking, and the scenery matches it.

Nothing makes me happier than being out in nature, and I am happy to say that even the burbs here give me that sense.

Walking down my street today I crossed the path of a pair of Quails- one female and one male.  Later in the year there should be a family of them scurrying around the neighborhood.  I can’t wait to see the little ones toddling all over the place, their feet quickly moving behind their parents.

Additionally, there are flowers everywhere.  Yellow daffodils line all the streets and trees are covered with blossoms.

It really is a beautiful place to live.  I am glad that I can take things slow, walking around town to run errands and really see everything, without having it just be a blur in my rearview mirror.


March 9, 2010

I spend the end of February and the first week in March in Seattle visiting my friend, Thomas.

Was lucky enough to get amazing weather my entire nine day trip, and spend a lot of time outdoors enjoying the sunlight and my friends company.

I was told that flowers were blossoming early this year.  Although I know people who were not stoked by this fact, it made me happy that I was able to an observer.

Alki Beach in Western Seattle was gorgeous, and watching the tide while drinking wine and eating cheese and olives made me unbelievably happy.

Although my firewood chopping skills need some practice, I was able to made a really nice fire.  Coconut juice and company included.

Thank you Bojangles, Thomas, and Ryan for your company.

And thanks Southwest and nature for this amazing sunset on my flight home…